Camping in Andorra

As soon as I got back from the Cerka’l Festival (well, after a shower) I hopped on a train again and headed out to meet Tim and Angela to go camping for a night in Andorra. We had high hopes to try out mountain biking (since they’ve got season lift passes), but once you add €40 for a half day bike hire and €23 for a day lift pass for the bike (whether or not you’ve got a pass for yourself already) the whole exercise became a little expensive.

So in the end we stuck to camping out and that would have all been fine, except there was an almighty storm the night we were there and neither Tim and Angela’s new tent, nor the small one I was using were exactly waterproof. Which is to say I woke up in the middle of the night to thunder, lighting, high winds, and water on the inside of my tent.

Even so it was all good fun and Angela got to go horse riding while Tim and I went and had a look at the slopes without snow. There are even photos.

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