Second-class language

One of my current projects is a mobile game that I’m developing for Pete Schooling of BravoTangoBravo in collaboration with his son Josh.

I won’t get into the details at the moment, but I’m using the Cocos2D-x game engine to build the game.

Cocos2d-x is an interesting beast. It’s a port of the very popular Cocos2d-iPhone (now -Swift) game engine to C++ in an effort to make a multi-platform engine. I’m not sure exactly who runs most of the development work at the moment, but a lot of it is based in China.

This is giving me a novel experience, as a native English speaker, of not necessarily being the target audience. The documentation for Cocos2d-x is pretty scarce – something which is being constantly improved upon – but I get the feeling that if I could read Mandarin, there would be a lot more documentation available. If you look at the showcase of games on their web-site, you’ll see a lot of them in only Mandarin, or made by Chinese companies.

I’m in no way complaining. Firstly, it would be good if online communities understood that English isn’t the be-all and end-all and secondly, the English speaking and bilingual community is doing a fantastic job of bringing a lot of the documentation to English, it’s really getting better all the time.

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