It’s all well and good saying I’ve been busy for the last few months, but what have I been doing?
Well, one of the main projects I’ve been working on has just become available today.
Spring Cat is a mobile game that I developed for Bravo Tango Bravo which is now available for iOS and Android.
It’s an endless runner, in which you control the titular Spring Cat, guiding him through a cityscape obstacle course, collecting Kit Koinz and power ups. The original idea came from Josh Schooling, who’s still at school, so that’s a big win for him.
The game was developed in Cocos2d-x, a cross platform C++ game engine, a branch of Cocos2d-iPhone which I used to develop Dambusters a few years ago.
As is perhaps usual for game development, it ended up taking a bit longer than I expected, although we did get Game Center and Play Game Services running for launch. This means that you can compete against your friends (and everyone else) for the best scores and there are also a slew of achievements that you can try to get.
Here are some screen shots:
You can buy Spring Cat now on the respective mobile app stores:
If you grab a copy for iOS, see if you can beat my high score.