Tag Archives: Berlin

Doctors in Berlin

Andrea and I have now been in Berlin for a 9 whole months! I don’t know where the time has gone. In the time we’ve been here, we’ve had a few times when we’ve had need to see a doctor. Don’t … Continue reading

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Welcome to the North: 2015

We’re reaching the end of another year, and so it’s time for my annual wrap-up. This post is also making up for how little I’ve updated voo-du in the last year. I will try to do better next year. The year … Continue reading

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Andrea at Uberall

A couple of months ago, Andrea started her new job at Berlin based startup Uberall. She’s working as a backend developer, as you can see on their company page (and the screen grab to the right). Funnily enough, Uberall is also a … Continue reading

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I’m in HERE

Firstly, I’m very sorry about the pun in the title, I just couldn’t help myself. I’ve just finished my second week in my new job. I’m working at HERE, a part of Nokia as a Mobile Application Developer working on an … Continue reading

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Things have been a bit quiet here for the last few months. As usual, this has coincided with an especially busy time elsewhere. So, as the first post on voo-du since February, I’ll stick to the big stuff. Andrea and … Continue reading

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