Tag Archives: CAOS

Dr. Taboada

Today I went along to the PhD defence of Manel Taboada, who was one of the people who started the agent-based hospital emergency department simulation project with me back in 2008 when I was doing my masters. It was fantastic … Continue reading

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Tesina printed!


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Fiesta de Halloween 2009 – The post mortem

Organised a Halloween party last Saturday, we had it at Eva’s place. I might now be able to admit that the initial reason for having this party was because I’d let somewhat oversized side burns grow and last time I … Continue reading

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HEALTHINF article accepted

I’ve just received a nice email from the people running the HEALTHINF saying that our paper – with the rather lengthy title Agent-Based Simulation to Support Decision Making in Healthcare Management Planning has been accepted for HEALTHINF 2010 as a … Continue reading

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Article accepted

This morning I received a very welcome email informing me that the article that we submitted to SCC 2009 has been accepted. I’m pretty much over the moon about that. It’s titled Towards an Agent-Based Simulation of Hospital Emergency Departments … Continue reading

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Simulación Orientada a Individuos de un Servicio de Emergencias

I’ve just finished my research presentation at uni. Basically a presentation to the whole department about what my research topic is, how I’ve progressed and what the plans are for the future. It all went really well, everybody laughed at … Continue reading

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All done, finally

I’ve just submitted the article we’ve been working on the SCC 2009. Now it’s just a matter of keeping my fingers crossed for the next few months until we find out if it’s been accepted or not. Right now I … Continue reading

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But everything was going so well

I sent an email around the department today, linking to all the books I’m trying to give away and got an overwhelming response. Half of what I had is now assigned to people from the CAOS department. Of course it’s … Continue reading

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