Festa Major de Gràcia 2011

It’s the 22nd and the Festa Major de Gràcia is over for another year. Once again this year I was participating in my street, Carrer Progrés, helping with the decorations, hanging out behind the bar and seeing Igitaia play and even getting interviewed by an english language catalan news service.

The latter was used as the audio for a short clip attached to a story about the Festa Major, it seems like they didn’t go to any of the other streets to talk to people, so it mostly makes reference to our street.

This year we won 5th prize out of the 19 streets competing and also one the prize for best entrance, which made everyone in the street ecstatic.

One of my friends from St. Leonard’s, Beth, was here during almost the entire week of the festival, so I was juggling languages a little bit speaking english to her, catalan to the group from the street and the occasional castillian (spanish) as well. I think Beth enjoyed the festival, although she’ll have to come back another time to see what Gràcia is like during the other 51 weeks of the year.

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