A wedding in Stuttgart

I’ve known Rebecca Busch for about 13 years. We first met in Heidelberg while I was there on a school trip. My mate Ben stayed with the Busches, and they both came to rescue me when my own host family left me alone in the house most of the weekend.

We haven’t caught up much in those years, but Rebecca and her younger brother Pascal came and spent Christmas with the us Stainsbys while I was still living in Australia.

Rebecca married her long time boyfriend Felix just over 3 weeks ago, and Andrea and I were invited. We were conveniently close, Andrea had just started her stay in Munich and Stuttgart, where they married, is only 2 hours from there by train.

The wedding was lovely, and it was a fantastic day for it, not a cloud in the sky all day. Unfortunately we didn’t understand any of the advice that the celebrant passed on to them (although apparently it was very good), but we met lots of wonderful people and had a fantastic meal, with dancing and music to follow.

There was also some traditional elements to the wedding, whereby Rebecca and Felix had to saw through a log with an old rusty saw, it was very amusing and not at all what you expect a bride to be doing in her wedding gown.

So, hopefully I’ll be able to catch up with Rebecca and Felix while I’m in Germany, it would be great to catch up with the new happily married couple.

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