Tag Archives: iPad

Obligatory new iPad post

So, there’s a new iPad. The same day that it was announced I had someone asking me whether it was worth having. Which of course begs the question, what is an iPad good for. I’m in the position where I … Continue reading

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Why I love designers

I’m a programmer, I consider myself to be a reasonably good one as things go. Which is only to say that when I want to make a computer do something with code I can normally sort it out in a … Continue reading

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I’ve been kind of busy lately

Which is to say, I’m still alive, just been too busy to write anything here. Firstly, went to Granada last week with Gonza, Claudia, Moni, and Maru (and Andrea was already there) and had a great time. Granada is a … Continue reading

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iPad development step 1: don’t sleep

So a bit over a week ago Apple sent an email to iPhone developers announcing that iPad applications would be accepted for review until the 27th of March, basically within the following 8 days. The catch being that these would … Continue reading

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