Tag Archives: Ph.D. Thesis

Well that’s the end of that: 2014

This year wasn’t nearly as busy as last year, but I’ve certainly had a lot going on, not least of which was finishing my Ph.D. At the beginning of this year I finally received my Spanish drivers license, which I’d completed … Continue reading

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Yesterday I defended my Ph.D. It all went really well and I had lots of people come along to support me, which was fantastic. Thea, Bruce, Evan and Steph also all came from Australia (by way of various length routes) … Continue reading

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Thesis defence

Next week I’ll defend my Ph.D. thesis, titled “Triangular bases of integral closures”, and written under the direction of Jesús Montes and Enric Nart. It will be on Thursday the 11th of December, at 18:00 CET (that’s 6:30pm in Barcelona … Continue reading

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Down time

I had decided that when I deposited my thesis, I’d take a day or two off, not go in to uni and just relax and recover a bit. That didn’t really happen, between a course I’m taking at the UB, … Continue reading

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Last Thursday I deposited my thesis. This is one of the final steps of my Ph.D. – the last one being the defence, which will be in December. I owe that fact that I’ve made it this far to a … Continue reading

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Bruce once told me a story from when he was working at an agency, sometime just before I finished school I think. He was working on ideas for a client with a junior creative team. They were both young, probably … Continue reading

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On the brink of disaster

Yesterday I had one of those moments that’s probably the worst nightmare of any PhD student who’s writing their thesis dissertation, and doubly so in mathematics. Reading through a proof I’d first written some three years ago, I found an … Continue reading

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Keep calm and

I’m not normally one for jumping on internet memes, but when a fellow damned and suffering soul, I mean another PhD student currently in the process of writing her thesis dissertation, sent this, I felt I had to stick it … Continue reading

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Thesis progress

While working on my thesis dissertation, I regularly commit changes to a code repository. This gives me peace of mind – I push the repository to a couple of different servers – and allows me to easily go back and … Continue reading

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The beginning of the end

Today I officially started writing my Ph.D. dissertation. That’s to say, I created a latex document, organised a bit of formatting and the structure for chapters and what-not. Then I actually starting writing. This was really just re-writing some work … Continue reading

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